tracy henry

We are thrilled to announce that Mrs. Tracy Henry, a teacher from Beau Chene High School, has demonstrated her extraordinary abilities by securing 1st place at the district level and 2nd place at the state level in the renowned 2023-2024 Smart/Maher VFW Teacher Award. Her unwavering dedication and commitment to her students have truly set her apart.

The VFW Teacher Award Program: Supporting Education since 1899

Established in 1899, the Teacher Award Program serves as a testament to the VFW's strong commitment to supporting the education of America's youth. The VFW and its Auxiliary have developed a range of programs to assist educators, and among them, the Teacher Award Program stands out. This program aims to recognize and honor exceptional educators who go above and beyond to instill a sense of national pride in their students.

Congratulations to Mrs. Tracy Henry!

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mrs. Tracy Henry for this well-deserved achievement. Her outstanding accomplishment in the 2023-2024 Smart/Maher VFW Teacher Award is a true testament to her professionalism, expertise, and lasting impact on her students.