Child Find
Child Find
Help us identify, locate, evaluate, and provide a free and appropriate education to meet each childâs individual needs.
We offer:
Special Instruction
Speech Therapy
Adaptive Physical Education
Visual Impairment Instruction
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Sensory Integration
Enrichment for the Gifted and Talented
Please call us if you suspect that your child has developmental delays (difficulties in talking, seeing, hearing, moving, learning and or behaving), academic and behavior difficulties at school, or has shown signs of being gifted or talented.
Any individual, age birth through 21 years old, may be referred for an evaluation if he or she seems to need special services to receive a proper education.
Please contact:
Sandra Gobert, Child Search Coordinator
St. Landry Parish Pupil Appraisal Center
(337) 948-3646 ext. 148.