Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) provides a positive and effective alternative to the traditional methods of discipline. PBIS methods are research-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a more positive school climate and increased academic performance. PBIS is consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Act 1225, Juvenile Justice Reform Act (R.S. 17:252), which advocates the use of positive behavior interventions and supports and school-based disciplinary strategies that reduce or eliminate the need to use suspension and expulsion as disciplinary options. Its primary purpose is to increase the amount of instructional time for all students, particularly those with challenging behaviors by building the capacity of LEAâs and schools to use a data-driven approach that is educationally oriented, emphasizes proactive practices, and are effective with promoting social-behavioral competence of staff and students.
The specific goal of PBIS is to replace the use of reactive, punitive, and exclusionary consequences (e.g. detention/suspension/expulsion) measures with proactive, preventative, and educative processes that will reduce the need for disciplinary measures.